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Ginger Tea Recipe

Ginger Tea Recipe

Few can match the warm embrace and therapeutic benefits of ginger tea in the realm of beverages. This aromatic and flavorful brew has been cherished in various cultures for its healing properties and delightful taste for centuries. With its roots tracing back to historical Asia, ginger tea has withstood the look of the time, finalizing a famous preference among tea lovers worldwide.

In this article, we delve into the intriguing history, the fitness advantages, and, most significantly, a tantalizing ginger tea recipe that will invigorate your senses. Additionally, we will explore Sanlo's range of innovative salabat products, each infused with unique ingredients that add a new dimension to this classic brew.

Ginger Tea Recipe - The Fascinating History of Ginger Tea

The Fascinating History of Ginger Tea

Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, has a rich history that dates back over 5000 years. Originating from Southeast Asia, this versatile spice quickly spread across different continents, gaining prominence for its culinary and medicinal uses.

Ancient Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern cultures recognized ginger's ability to ease digestive ailments, alleviate nausea, and boost the immune system. It was revered as a symbol of prosperity and traded along the ancient Silk Road, reaching Europe during the medieval period.

Ginger tea, also known as "salabat," became a popular concoction in the Philippines, India, and various South Asian countries. Traditionally made with ginger slices, water, and sugar, salabat has been cherished during cold evenings or as a remedy for coughs and colds.

The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger tea's allure extends beyond its delightful taste; it packs a punch of health benefits, making it a staple in wellness circles. Rich in bioactive compounds like gingerol, shogaol, and paradol, ginger possesses potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds help fight oxidative stress and decrease irritation, contributing to well-being.

One of amazing health benefits of ginger tea lies in its capacity to assuage digestive discomforts. Tea aids digestion by selling the manufacturing of enzymes and helping the movement of meals through the digestive tract, making it a tremendous after-meal associate.

Moreover, ginger tea has shown promise in relieving nausea and motion sickness. Pregnant women, who regularly revel in morning sickness, can find comfort in sipping a warm cup of ginger tea. The antiemetic houses of ginger help quell nausea and reduce the urge to vomit.

Another exciting benefit is ginger's potential to support the immune system. Its antimicrobial properties help prevent harmful pathogens and fortify the body's defense against infections.

The Recipe: A Captivating Cup of Ginger Tea

Now, let's release the secrets to brewing a charming cup of ginger tea in the consolation of your property. The process is straightforward and calls for only some ingredients. To decorate the taste and improve the fitness advantages, we will incorporate a twist of lemon and honey into the combination.


-1 to 2 inches of fresh ginger root, peeled and thinly sliced

-4 cups of water

-Juice from half a lemon

-Two tablespoons of honey (adjust to taste)


-Start with the helpful resource of bringing the water to a boil in a medium-sized saucepan.

-As the water heats up, peel the ginger root using a vegetable peeler or the edge of a spoon.

-Thinly slice the ginger to maximize its flavor and ground vicinity.

-Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the sliced ginger to the saucepan and reduce the warmth to a simmer. Allow the ginger to steep in the water for approximately 10 to fifteen minutes. The longer you soak, the more potent the ginger flavor.

-After steeping, flip off the heat and upload the smooth lemon juice to the brew. Lemon no more extended fines provide a zesty twist to the tea and give a lift of weight loss program C.

-To sweeten the tea naturally, stir inside the honey. Adjust the beauty for your desire.

-Finally, put ginger tea into cups or mugs, and appreciate the comforting and refreshing mixture.

Ginger Tea Recipe - Sanlo's Innovative Ginger Tea Products

Sanlo's Innovative Ginger Tea Products

For those seeking a convenient and flavorful way to enjoy ginger tea, Sanlo offers a range of enticing ginger tea products that cater to diverse palates. Crafted with a perfect blend of tradition and innovation, each product brings a unique twist to the classic salabat.

1. Salabat with Turmeric: Embrace the potent synergy of ginger and turmeric in one exquisite blend. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric complements the warmth of ginger, creating a harmonious cup of wellness.

2. Salabat with Oregano: Unleash the aromatic charm of oregano combined with the refreshing essence of ginger. Oregano brings its antimicrobial prowess to the forefront, making this tea an excellent choice for supporting the immune system.

3. Salabat with Malunggay: Elevate your tea experience with the nutrient-rich malunggay (moringa) leaves. This strength-packed element provides a dietary improvement to ginger tea, making it a healthful desire for fitness-conscious people.

4. Instant Salabat Powder: For those on the pass or in want of a brief pick-out-me-up, Sanlo's Instant Salabat Powder is the best solution. Just upload warm water, stir, and indulge in the comforting flavors of ginger tea anytime, everywhere.

5. Salabat with Honey: Savor the divine fusion of ginger tea and the natural sweetness of honey. This delightful blend enhances the flavor and provides the added benefits of honey's antimicrobial and soothing properties.

Each Sanlo ginger tea product is carefully crafted to deliver an indulgent and healthful experience. From traditional salabat to inventive blends, Sanlo caters to tea enthusiasts' diverse tastes and preferences worldwide.

A Study on the Therapeutic Effects of Ginger Tea

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of ginger tea as a natural treatment. A research examined the consequences of ginger extract on people stricken by osteoarthritis. The researchers determined that ginger extract substantially reduced pain and advanced joint characteristics in participants, showcasing the anti-inflammatory potential of ginger.


Ginger tea, a treasure trove of history and fitness benefits, has been charming hearts and minds for millennia. Its aromatic allure and therapeutic properties make it an exceptional beverage choice for various occasions. With our irresistible ginger tea recipe, you can now brew your cup of comfort and well-being in the confines of your home.

Sanlo's innovative ginger tea products add a new dimension to this timeless brew. From the refreshing blend of turmeric and ginger to the wholesome infusion of malunggay leaves, Sanlo's offerings cater to every discerning palate. Explore the diverse range of Salabat products and embark on a journey of taste and wellness with each sip.

So, whether you seek solace in a steaming cup of ginger tea on a chilly evening or yearn to boost your immunity naturally, ginger tea is a heartwarming elixir that promises to delight and rejuvenate. Embrace this ancient tradition and let the magic of ginger tea unfold in your life.


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