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How to Make Ginger Tea for Cough?

How to Make Ginger Tea for Cough

The cold season often brings along the pesky cough that can make our lives uncomfortable. Instead of depending totally on over-the-counter medicines, why now not flip to nature's remedy and make yourself a comforting cup of ginger tea? Ginger, famous for its several health blessings, has been used for centuries to alleviate various ailments, which include cough and sore throat. In this article, we will explore the simple steps to make ginger tea for cough relief and introduce you to Sanlo's line of ginger tea products, which offer a delightful twist to this traditional beverage.

The Healing Power of Ginger

Before delving into the art of making ginger tea for cough, let's understand why ginger is such a potent ingredient for respiratory health. Ginger contains bioactive compounds like gingerol, which possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These components collectively enhance the immune system and soothe the indignant breathing tract, making ginger an extraordinary natural treatment for cough and bloodless symptoms.

How to Make Ginger Tea for Cough - Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Ginger Tea for Cough

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Make Ginger Tea for Cough

Making ginger tea at home is remarkably smooth, and you can personalize it to suit your flavor alternatives. Follow these simple steps to brew yourself a comforting cup of salabat ginger tea for cough relief:

Step 1 - Gather Your Ingredients: Fresh ginger root (about 2 inches), Water (2 cups), Lemon slices (optional), Honey (optional)

Step 2 - Prepare the Ginger: If using fresh ginger root, peel the skin and thinly slice it. Alternatively, you can use Sanlo's Instant Salabat Powder for a quicker option without compromising on the health benefits.

Step 3 - Boil the Water: Put 2 cups of water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. If you prefer a more potent ginger taste, you could boom the quantity of ginger or Salabat powder for that reason.

Step 4 - Add the Ginger: Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add the fresh ginger slices or Sanlo's Instant Salabat Powder to the pot. Reduce the heat to low, cowl the saucepan, and permit it to simmer for about 10 to fifteen mins. This allows the ginger's natural oils and compounds to infuse into the water entirely.

Step 5 - Add Flavor (Optional): For a tangy twist and additional vitamin C, squeeze in some fresh lemon juice and add a few lemon slices to the tea. If you prefer a touch of sweetness, stir in a spoonful of honey or use Sanlo's Salabat with Honey for a delightful blend of flavors.

Step 6 - Strain and Serve: After simmering, stress the ginger tea into your favorite mug or teapot. Take a moment to inhale the soothing aroma in advance rather than sipping the first-class, comfortable, and comforting beverage. Sit returned, loosen up, and allow the recuperation homes of ginger art to work their magic for your cough.

Sanlo's Ginger Tea Products for Enhanced Benefits

If you decide upon the ease of a geared-up-made ginger tea with an added twist, Sanlo offers various ginger-primarily based merchandise that complements the traditional ginger tea. Let's look at a few of their offerings:

1. Salabat with Turmeric: A fusion of ginger and turmeric creates a potent concoction with anti-inflammatory residences, promoting a wholesome respiration device.

2. Salabat with Oregano: Combining ginger with oregano provides additional antioxidants, which can strengthen the immune system and aid in alleviating cough symptoms.

3. Salabat with Malunggay: This blend combines the goodness of ginger with the nutritional benefits of malunggay (moringa), known for its high vitamin and mineral content.

4. Instant Salabat Powder: For those on the go or looking for a quick ginger tea fix, Sanlo's Instant Salabat Powder offers a convenient option without compromising on quality.

5. Salabat with Honey: A delightful combination of ginger and honey provides a sweet and comforting flavor while soothing the throat.

How to Make Ginger Tea for Cough - Study on Ginger's Efficacy for Cough Relief

Study on Ginger's Efficacy for Cough Relief

Numerous research studies have explored the efficacy of ginger in relieving cough signs and symptoms. One such study investigated ginger extract's antitussive (cough-relieving) results. The research revealed that ginger extract significantly suppressed cough reflex sensitivity, supporting its traditional use as a natural remedy for cough.


Embrace the healing power of ginger and bid farewell to annoying coughs with a cup of warm and soothing ginger tea. Whether you use fresh ginger or choose Sanlo's innovative ginger tea products, the benefits of this age-old remedy remain unmatched. So, the following time you find yourself achieving for a cough syrup, don't forget the natural opportunity—ginger tea—your throat will, thanks!

Disclaimer: This article is for informational functions and should no longer be considered a substitute for a professional clinical recommendation. Always seek advice from your healthcare provider before using ginger tea or any other remedies, particularly when you have underlying health situations or are taking medications that can engage with ginger.


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