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Turmeric Tea vs Turmeric Pills

Turmeric Tea vs Turmeric Pills

Have you ever snuggled up on a cold evening, holding a warm mug between your hands, and felt that unmistakable comfort? That's the charm of a good drink. Recently, there's been quite a buzz around one drink in particular: Salabat with Turmeric.

Salabat, more commonly known to many as ginger tea, carries with it a plethora of benefits. In Filipino culture, where this tea originates, they’ve been harnessing ginger tea benefits for centuries. From soothing a sore throat to providing that much-needed energy kick, it’s been a go-to remedy for many.

Traditional Twists to the Classic Salabat

Now, as traditions evolve, so do the recipes. Some of the intriguing variations I came across include Salabat with Oregano, Salabat with Malunggay, and Salabat with Honey. Each addition lends its unique twist, making the drink not just flavorful but packed with health benefits. Take, for example, Salabat with Honey. While honey sweetens the drink, it also acts as a natural antibiotic.

But let’s circle back to our superstar ingredient: turmeric. This golden spice has been revered in Eastern cultures for its anti-inflammatory properties. It's been said that including it in your daily routine could work wonders.

Turmeric Tea vs Turmeric Pills - A Cup Of Ginger Tea With Eyeglasses and Notebook On Top of Table | Sanlo Salabat

The Modern-Day Conundrum: Turmeric Tea vs. Turmeric Pills

However, in today's fast-paced world, brewing a cup might not always be feasible. Enter turmeric pills. They promise all the benefits of this golden root, encapsulated. But do they deliver?

study examined turmeric's bioavailability - essentially, how our body absorbs and uses it. Surprisingly, the results favored turmeric in its natural, powdered form, rather than the pill. It appears our bodies prefer the real deal, not the shortcut.

Making it Easy with Instant Salabat Powder

For those on the go, I stumbled upon something interesting - Instant Salabat Powder. A little sachet that you can carry around, which promises the authenticity of the drink without the hassle. It might be worth giving a shot, especially if it holds the benefits of the traditional brew.

Turmeric Tea vs Turmeric Pills - A Cup Of Turmeric Tea With Tea Pot And Candle Holder On Top of Table | Sanlo Salabat

Final Thoughts

While turmeric pills might be convenient, there's something undeniably magical about holding that warm mug of Salabat with Turmeric, feeling its warmth seep into you, and knowing you're doing something good for your body. If the aroma of the brew doesn't convince you, perhaps the ancient wisdom and modern science will.

Whatever your choice, remember to pay attention to your body and treat it with the affection and care it deserves. After all, as they say, our bodies are temples.


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